Kayenta has been practicing and teaching earth based pottery since 2009. She finds her inspiration in the landscapes of the southwest desert (US) as well as from various ancient cultures and ceramic technologies found around the world. She has practiced and perfected her own hand-building techniques, as well as honed multiple firing methods... her specialty being controlled oxidation with organic paint.
Her focus and passion began in the canyons of Southern Utah, being inspired by the ancestral Puebloan pottery and replicating the ancient pottery made by them. Over time her focus has evolved and expanded and embodies the concept that pottery made in the old way not only is a unique signature of the landscape, but has profound lessons to teach us that are much needed today to heal our world and our disconnection from nature, Spirit and each other.
She has worked in collaboration with archeologists and organizations to bridge the gap between what is unknown or assumed about ancient pottery and what we can learn from “experimental archeology” that is; following in the footsteps of the ancients.
Kayenta shares her techniques at museums, primitive skills gatherings, universities, and at private workshops throughout the western states, as well as from her home in Boulder, Utah. She has an extensive collection of pottery materials, all wild harvested clays, ochers, earth pigments and other minerals and has mastered the art of finding, refining and utilizing these materials for various applications in the pottery process.
Learn to make pottery like your ancient ancestors.
Pottery is one of the oldest human inventions, dating back to before the Neolithic period. Its varied forms are found in nearly every culture around the world, making it one of the most accessible art forms in the world. That said, most of the ancient techniques for making pots in the wild have been lost to modernity. This course aims at to keep those ancient technologies alive and accessible for generations to come.
The raw materials needed to make beautiful pieces of pottery, that will stand the test of time, are just outside your front door. This course will teach you how to find and use the resources nature provides to create beautiful pieces of art while preserving an important ancient practice that transcends culture and time.
Clay is everywhere around the world, and this course will help empower you with the skills and knowhow to start resourcing and building pottery almost anywhere, and anytime.:
- Over 10 hours of instructional videos.
- Access to an online forum for ongoing support and questions to be answered as you learn and grow.
- 3 Live Zoom Question and Answer sessions with Kayenta
- Learn all of the essential skills, tricks of the trade and helpful tips to successfully find, build, paint, and fire your pottery in the field.

The process of firing pots in the wild is incredibly complex. It requires specific knowledge and technique to make it successful. This course will save you hundred of hours of failed experimentation, and teach you the sacred and powerful art of bringing your pots to life without the need for modern kilns or electricity.
I love the fact that you can go into the wild with nothing and get all you need to survive and even flourish from the earth. The idea that you can go out and dig up some ‘dirt’, shape it, paint it and fire it all using only materials found in nature is amazing to me. These items then stand the test of time, likely outliving us. They become living embodiments of history and examples of creation that can inspire for generations.
More Than Just Pottery
“I imagine one day far in the future someone will pick up one of my pots and wonder about my life. Maybe they'll be inspired to create something that lasts longer than they will. Maybe they will get a glimpse of my personality in the texture or overall quality of the pot. I love the idea that through pottery we are connected; past, present, and future."
"For anything to be created there needs to be a balance of elements...
When we slow down, become intentional, and reflect on the delicate balance of each element contributing to the creation process we begin to understand that clay and the journey of a pot becoming, is a reflection of the human experience. The methods and forms change to reflect how we adapt to available materials and needs, but the journey of the clay is the same; The clay is taken from its source, purified and refined, then shaped and fired, all for a purpose; beauty, strength and functionality (service). The fire takes an object that is weak, temporary and has no use and transforms it into something strong, lasting, and useful. I'm grateful for this path and to be able to share what I am shown.”